Foreign Currency
Korea`s official monetary unit is the won.
The Korean currency consists of a ten thousand, five thousand, and one thousand won note, and five hundred, one hundred, fifty and ten won coin.
Currency Exchange Rate
Recently, a dollar exchanges for about 1,200 won. Exchange rates may change at any time according to the market conditions.
Exchanging Money
When you need to exchange your foreign currency into Korean won, visit a bank, exchange service center, or an authorized exchange.
Business hours
- Bank : 9:30 am - 4:30 pm except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
- Exchange service center : 9:30 am -10 pm, everyday
- Authorized exchange : 24 hours in hotel, and 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at other places.
- Don`t forget to take your receipt.
Korea`s official monetary unit is the won.
The Korean currency consists of a ten thousand, five thousand, and one thousand won note, and five hundred, one hundred, fifty and ten won coin.
Credit Card
Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Master Card and others are used at hotels, department stores, large restaurants, and stores,
- Plan your travel and exchange money carefully.
- After exchanging your money, check the money and exchange rate with a calculator.
- When you exchange your traveler's checks, you need to sign your name in the presence of a bank teller. Don't transfer your checks to another person.